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Report the value of your security to your business

Be confident you're in control of your security and benefitting the business.


To make sure your security controls and policies are current, you need to stay on top of monitoring, testing and compliance.

But demonstrating what you’re doing to protect your organisation can be tricky when your main focus is actually protecting it.

What if you could see and communicate what’s really going on in your network – who’s using it, who’s attacking you and how hard they’re trying – as well as the controls you have in place to respond to incidents?

Security log management helps you streamline the time-consuming process of mapping network activity from multiple sources. You can also use it to translate your data into a centralised audit report of security incidents.

There are a number of assessments that can help you identify security weak spots and tell you which controls to put in place. Services like ethical hacking (penetration testing) and compliance assessments can give you tangible reports on your strengths and weaknesses, and provide recommendations on how to mitigate against your vulnerabilities. 

