Cas d'utilisation · 01 Nov 2018

Atténuer les risques de l'informatique cachée

Adoptez le cloud sans avoir d'ennuis avec les systèmes et les logiciels non autorisés.

Vue d'ensemble

Vous savez qu'en migrant vers le cloud, vous risquez de vous exposer aux risques de l'informatique cachée, c'est-à-dire que vos employés utilisent des systèmes ou des logiciels non autorisés.

Vous savez également qu'en pareille situation, vous êtes susceptible d'enfreindre les règlements.

C'est pourquoi vous avez besoin de technologies fiables et évolutives qui garantissent la protection de votre réseau contre les logiciels malveillants et la perte de données. 

Et si vous pouviez contrôler et auditer les autorisations simplement via un portail de gestion en ligne ? Et si vous aviez la possibilité de choisir entre un service basé sur le cloud ou une solution gérée sur site avec une assistance internationale 24 heures sur 24 ? 

Ensuite, au fur et à mesure que vous adoptez des fonctionnalités basées sur le cloud, vous pouvez assurer la migration à un rythme qui vous convient. 

Notre portefeuille de solutions de sécurité cloud, nos services de conseil et notre expertise en matière de réseau et de sécurité sont associés à des partenariats clés et stratégiques pour vous offrir des perspectives et des connaissances uniques.

Et nous collaborons avec les sociétés les plus innovantes, les plus brillantes et les plus à la pointe en matière de sécurité pour vous apporter la meilleure technologie disponible, pérenniser votre investissement et maximiser votre protection.

Empfohlene Produkte

  • Private Compute - lets you build private cloud services from proven modular templates, so you can use designs that integrate with your existing systems. We can manage your private cloud in one of our shared facilities, set aside exclusively for you.
  • Private Compute on-premises - delivered and installed to a data centre location of your choice, we provide cloud-ready equipment dedicated just for your organisation.
  • Private Compute orchestrate - accelerates your journey to a private or hybrid cloud. By re-using your infrastructure, you can leverage existing investments. Our service cloud-lets you build and manage your own cloud solution in minutes.

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Compute Protect:

  • Enhances your protection by eliminating the operational pains of emergency patching, frequent patch cycles, and costly system downtime
  • Reduces your complexity by managing and configuring the different security modules from a single place
  • Simplifies your management through automating repetitive and resource-intensive security tasks, reducing false-positive security alerts, etc
  • makes sure you’re compliant with HIPAA, HITECH, NIST, and SAS 70 with one integrated and cost-effective solution
  • Remains flexible with no committed contract, so you can ‘turn-off’ security modules whenever you like.

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As more transactions and correspondence are conducted electronically, you need to authenticate users and restrict access to confidential information by giving access to the right people and verifying ownership of sensitive documents.

PKI-based platforms allow a trusted Certification Authority (CA) to issue, renew, and revoke digital certificates for strong authentication, encryption, and for secure digital signing.

By having this kind of trust-based security, you:

  • get tighter integration with your business partners
  • protect your data against internal and external threats
  • ensure business continuity, and
  • maintain your compliance with government and corporate regulations.

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We have a single platform for Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) detection and mitigation. This means we can automatically detect rogue traffic, with no human involvement and take action very quickly to protect your network.

By using our cloud-based solution, any DDoS attack is mitigated before it hits your network and, in some cases, even before it enters your network. This means limited or no impact on your business and no compromised performance.

Our Managed DDoS Security is designed as a modular, subscription service, so different levels of protection can be added as required with no capital expenditure.

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Previously, your cyber security focus was likely to have been on having a strong perimeter around your network. Nowadays, your users have access to all sorts of solutions and platforms which can leave you wide open to a vast array of risks. And, as a number of high profile attacks remind us, a security breach can happen to anyone, at any time.

By partnering with us, you can benefit from our relationships with leading security vendors, and you can get access to the latest technology at competitive prices, such as Check Point, Cisco, Fortinet, Juniper and Palo Alto Networks managed firewalls.

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