Protégez-vos-données- appareils-et-connexions

Un nombre de connexions supérieur ne signifie pas forcément que vous devez prendre plus de risques.

Vue d'ensemble

Une nouvelle infrastructure réseau permet aux utilisateurs de se connecter à votre entreprise de différentes manières.

Cela signifie plus de points d'accès à Internet, plus d'appareils connectés et plus de données stockées et transférées. De plus, vous devez également prendre en compte l'infrastructure et les services tiers hébergés sur le cloud.

Vous souhaitez être en mesure de détecter automatiquement le trafic suspect, sans nécessiter d'intervention humaine et exécuter rapidement les actions correctives pour protéger votre réseau. Vous souhaitez également limiter les attaques DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) avant qu'elles n'atteignent votre réseau et, dans certains cas, avant même qu'elles ne pénètrent au sein de votre réseau. Dans le même temps, vous souhaitez vous assurer que cela n'a qu'un impact limité ou, idéalement, aucun impact sur votre entreprise. 

Qu'en serait-il si vous pouviez vous appuyer sur une plate-forme unique pour la détection et l'atténuation des risques ? 

Notre solution DDoS multicouche offre une protection contre tous les types de vecteurs d'attaque. Nous pouvons fournir une solution unique dans le monde entier, même si vous utilisez des connexions ISP tierces. Nous pouvons également vous aider à gagner en efficacité grâce à une solution DDoS hybride, offrant à la fois une solution sur site et une plate-forme de services d'applications basée sur le cloud.

Produits présentés

BT Managed Network Access Control (NAC)

The explosion in the number and type of devices connecting to your network, with emerging trends like Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), Internet of Things (IoT), Operational Technology (OT) and virtualised appliances, significantly expands your attack surface – but are invisible to most security products. In contrast, BT Managed Network Access Control (NAC) Security provides 100% device visibility across all IP endpoints as a foundation of your network security.

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Previously, your cyber security focus was likely to have been on having a strong perimeter around your network. Nowadays, your users have access to all sorts of solutions and platforms which can leave you wide open to a vast array of risks. And, as a number of high profile attacks remind us, a security breach can happen to anyone, at any time.

By partnering with us, you can benefit from our relationships with leading security vendors, and you can get access to the latest technology at competitive prices, such as Check Point, Cisco, Fortinet, Juniper and Palo Alto Networks managed firewalls.

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We have a single platform for Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) detection and mitigation. This means we can automatically detect rogue traffic, with no human involvement and take action very quickly to protect your network.

By using our cloud-based solution, any DDoS attack is mitigated before it hits your network and, in some cases, even before it enters your network. This means limited or no impact on your business and no compromised performance.

Our Managed DDoS Security is designed as a modular, subscription service, so different levels of protection can be added as required with no capital expenditure.

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As more transactions and correspondence are conducted electronically, you need to authenticate users and restrict access to confidential information by giving access to the right people and verifying ownership of sensitive documents.

PKI-based platforms allow a trusted Certification Authority (CA) to issue, renew, and revoke digital certificates for strong authentication, encryption, and for secure digital signing.

By having this kind of trust-based security, you:

  • get tighter integration with your business partners
  • protect your data against internal and external threats
  • ensure business continuity, and
  • maintain your compliance with government and corporate regulations.

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Your employees want to collaborate more on the move. Getting it right can boost your productivity.

But you don’t want the threat of an explosive bill or increased security risk. This can make it seem impossible to get the balance right between giving your people what they need to work effectively on the move and controlling your costs and security risks.

Our One Mobile secure data management solution lets you manage mobile data consumed over 3G, 4G or wi-fi. It detects when your mobile data is at risk, helping you to get ahead of threats before they impact your devices. It can also reduce your mobile data costs by up to 44 per cent without limiting employee productivity.

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Our One Mobile secure devices solution helps you secure, monitor, manage and support the company-owned and employee-owned mobile devices deployed across your organisation, including smartphones, tablet computers and mobile phones.

It gives your employees secure access to work e-mail and content, lets them see, edit and share documents on the move and keeps work-related content separate to personal information. It enables you to set policy controls around how these everyday tools are used, keeping the device, your employees and your business safe, and lets you take remedial action when it’s needed.

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Our One Mobile secure access solution lets your employees, contractors or any third party securely connect to your infrastructure.

Your users can connect wherever they are, from virtually any device, using client, clientless or browser-based access. As a simple-to-use secure, cloud service, the solution replaces on-premise gateways with a software gateway in our cloud.

With gateways around the world, your mobile users will have a great experience. There is minimal capital outlay, a simple monthly fee, and the costs of providing in-house access platforms are gone forever.

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