Vergangenes Webinar

Implementing an SD-WAN which delivers on its promise

BT's Keith Langridge leads a debate on implementing an SD-WAN which delivers on its promise, now and into the future.

  • Online
  • 8 Nov 2018
  • 11:00 - 12:00 GMT

We all know and understand the promise of SD-WAN and the way it will support network transformation and the digitisation of your organisation.

What most people don’t know is what it’s like to deploy an SD-WAN and how to integrate that into your wider IT solution and roadmap.

In the webinar we explore what are the important learning points from deploying complex global SD-WANs, when faced with tight deadlines, short downtimes and complexities of live environments

We also explore how you integrate that SD-WAN into your IT solution to support your future state, orchestrating the service, securing the service and evolving your service with new capability such as NFV and service chaining.

Keith Langridge, Adrian Comley and Ian Yeo of BT are joined by Dominic Elliott of Cisco to give you a realistic view of the challenges and the benefits of deploying an SD-WAN.
