Steigern Sie die Nutzung von Unified Communications

Steigern Sie die Collaboration, um aus Ihren Technologie-Investitionen Nutzen zu ziehen.


Sie wissen, dass mehr Collaboration zu einem höheren Geschäftserfolg führen kann.

Und Sie möchten sich einen Wettbewerbsvorteil verschaffen, indem Sie Motivation, Effizienz und Produktivität steigern und gleichzeitig spürbare Einsparungen durch weniger Geschäftsreisen, schnellere Entscheidungsprozesse und mehr Leistung erzielen.

Neue Technologien bereitstellen – in einem einzigen Schritt. Aber dieses Vorhaben wird nur funktionieren, wenn alle Mitarbeiter mit einbezogen werden. 

Was wäre also, wenn Sie gewährleisten könnten, dass Ihre Mitarbeiter über das Wissen und die Fähigkeiten verfügen, die für eine zuverlässige Nutzung der Collaboration-Tools erforderlich sind?

Hierfür müssten das Bewusstsein geweckt und entsprechende Schulungsmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung gestellt werden – auf diese Weise würden alle Mitarbeiter lernen, dass Zusammenarbeit ihr Arbeitsleben verbessern und ihre Arbeitsweise buchstäblich verändern kann, wenn sie die Technologie nutzen, die für ihre Rolle geeignet ist.

Nach entsprechender Berücksichtigung Ihrer Umgebung, Ihrer Zielgruppen und Ihrer Erwartungen an die Technologie helfen wir Ihnen, einen maßgeschneiderten UC-Einführungsplan für Ihr Unternehmen zu erstellen und umzusetzen.

Featured products

One user adoption solution makes sure your employees embrace your collaboration solutions. With our proven methodology we’ve helped organisations achieve up to 80 per cent user adoption levels within four months.

Through awareness, coaching and education, we show how collaboration will dramatically improve your staff's working lives.

Recognising your environment, audience and what you want the technology to deliver, we work with you to build and execute your tailored plan.

It can be tough to change the systems and habits your employees use to get their jobs done, but with the right communications, information, training and support, it can happen quickly and seamlessly.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

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Empfohlene Produkte

One user adoption solution makes sure your employees embrace your collaboration solutions. With our proven methodology we’ve helped organisations achieve up to 80 per cent user adoption levels within four months.

Through awareness, coaching and education, we show how collaboration will dramatically improve your staff's working lives.

Recognising your environment, audience and what you want the technology to deliver, we work with you to build and execute your tailored plan.

It can be tough to change the systems and habits your employees use to get their jobs done, but with the right communications, information, training and support, it can happen quickly and seamlessly.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

Contact a specialist

Featured products

One user adoption solution makes sure your employees embrace your collaboration solutions. With our proven methodology we’ve helped organisations achieve up to 80 per cent user adoption levels within four months.

Through awareness, coaching and education, we show how collaboration will dramatically improve your staff's working lives.

Recognising your environment, audience and what you want the technology to deliver, we work with you to build and execute your tailored plan.

It can be tough to change the systems and habits your employees use to get their jobs done, but with the right communications, information, training and support, it can happen quickly and seamlessly.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

Contact a specialist

Featured products

One user adoption solution makes sure your employees embrace your collaboration solutions. With our proven methodology we’ve helped organisations achieve up to 80 per cent user adoption levels within four months.

Through awareness, coaching and education, we show how collaboration will dramatically improve your staff's working lives.

Recognising your environment, audience and what you want the technology to deliver, we work with you to build and execute your tailored plan.

It can be tough to change the systems and habits your employees use to get their jobs done, but with the right communications, information, training and support, it can happen quickly and seamlessly.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

Contact a specialist