Datenhoheit bewahren

Erhalten Sie mehr Kontrolle über Ihre Daten, da sie immer weiter verteilt werden.


Ihre Daten müssen, ob aus praktischen, leistungstechnischen oder regulatorischen Gründen, wie der DSGVO in Europa, streng überwacht werden.

Das bedeutet, dass alle Prozesse, IT-Anwendungen und Bereiche Ihrer digitalen Infrastruktur den Richtlinien entsprechen müssen und sie verantwortlich für den Schutz und den Standort der Daten sind.

Da die digitale Welt jedoch kontinuierlich wächst und sich der traditionelle Sicherheitsumfang verlagert, werden kritische und persönliche Daten immer weiter verteilt und sind damit einem höheren Risiko für Bedrohungen ausgesetzt.

Was wäre, wenn Sie diese Bedrohungen durch die besten Speichertechnologien für Ihr Unternehmen minimieren könnten, während Sie über höhere betriebliche Effizienz und einen Mehrwert Ihres investierten Kapitals verfügen? 

Wir können Sie dabei unterstützen, die Komplexität zu reduzieren und Ihnen den höchsten Grad an Auswahl, Flexibilität und Kontrolle wie auch höchste Sicherheit bieten. Sie kontrollieren, wo Ihre Daten gespeichert, repliziert oder archiviert werden und stellen damit sicher, dass Sie die lokalen und regionalen Richtlinien einhalten.

In Bezug auf Cloud-Speicher zahlen Sie nur für das, was Sie auch tatsächlich nutzen, d.h., Sie können mit Ihren Geschäftsanforderungen wachsen.

Featured products

You can extend file storage, data protection and sharing across your business and consolidate remote office storage infrastructure – while your data is hosted in the country you choose and under your control.

Using our Compute Management System as a single point of control for all your BT Compute services, you can create your personal, flexible, long-term back-up or file sync and share services in the cloud.

Object-based storage makes data accessible on any device and BT Compute Storage has unshared enterprise grade security to reduce your risk.

We also offer a transparent archiving service, BT Compute Storage FileFly, to help you reduce costs and retrieve data when needed.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

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Empfohlene Produkte

You can extend file storage, data protection and sharing across your business and consolidate remote office storage infrastructure – while your data is hosted in the country you choose and under your control.

Using our Compute Management System as a single point of control for all your BT Compute services, you can create your personal, flexible, long-term back-up or file sync and share services in the cloud.

Object-based storage makes data accessible on any device and BT Compute Storage has unshared enterprise grade security to reduce your risk.

We also offer a transparent archiving service, BT Compute Storage FileFly, to help you reduce costs and retrieve data when needed.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

Contact a specialist

Featured products

You can extend file storage, data protection and sharing across your business and consolidate remote office storage infrastructure – while your data is hosted in the country you choose and under your control.

Using our Compute Management System as a single point of control for all your BT Compute services, you can create your personal, flexible, long-term back-up or file sync and share services in the cloud.

Object-based storage makes data accessible on any device and BT Compute Storage has unshared enterprise grade security to reduce your risk.

We also offer a transparent archiving service, BT Compute Storage FileFly, to help you reduce costs and retrieve data when needed.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

Contact a specialist

Featured products

You can extend file storage, data protection and sharing across your business and consolidate remote office storage infrastructure – while your data is hosted in the country you choose and under your control.

Using our Compute Management System as a single point of control for all your BT Compute services, you can create your personal, flexible, long-term back-up or file sync and share services in the cloud.

Object-based storage makes data accessible on any device and BT Compute Storage has unshared enterprise grade security to reduce your risk.

We also offer a transparent archiving service, BT Compute Storage FileFly, to help you reduce costs and retrieve data when needed.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

Contact a specialist