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Be secure in the cloud

How to embrace and exploit the cloud in a changing security landscape.

Our approach 

You want to fully embrace the capabilities of cloud, but the journey to get there isn’t necessarily a straight or simple one.

There’s a myriad of things to consider, such as security, privacy and compliance. And as you’ve adopted more and more cloud-based technology, the gap between what you outsource and what you keep in-house has widened. 

So, what if you could ensure not only a safe journey to the cloud, but also the ability to deliver security services from it once you’re there? 

By working with us, we can make it safer for you to adopt cloud services and your network will come with security built-in. You’ll stay compliant, even in the cloud, and we’ll make sure your transition is smooth and successful.

BT is especially strong in key areas such as cloud security, and in threat management and content security.”

John Marcus
GlobalData, BT Managed Security Product Assessment, May 2018
