Actualice sus salas de reuniones con la colaboración

Aproveche al máximo sus espacios menos utilizados con herramientas inteligentes conectadas.

Descripción general

Transforme la obsoleta sala de juntas con proyector en el techo en instalaciones de videoconferencia de alta gama, puede que muchos de sus espacios de reunión ya no satisfagan sus necesidades.

Quiere que los participantes en remoto puedan unirse fácilmente usando cualquier dispositivo que les resulte práctico. También desea poder colaborar libremente y compartir archivos en pantalla con otras personas de forma fácil y fiable, estén donde estén y como quiera que se conecten. 

Pero la complejidad y el coste de especificar, comprar, instalar y financiar el sistema correcto puede parecer desalentador y arriesgado. ¿Cómo se asegura de que cualquier cambio le proporcione los beneficios de productividad que busca?

¿Y si pudiera equipar sus salas de reuniones en todo el mundo con las herramientas de colaboración online más avanzadas? ¿Y si esas herramientas utilizaran tecnología líder en el mercado, neutral para cualquier dispositivo y disponible por una cuota de suscripción mensual asequible?

Podemos ayudarle a devolver la vida a sus espacios de reuniones menos utilizados. Nuestras soluciones le dan acceso a una experiencia global en cada fase, desde el diseño y la adquisición a la formación de los empleados, y la gestión y asistencia continuas.

Featured products

Webex Meetings is a single solution that makes it simple and easy for all your users to join meetings globally, from any location, on any device.

It helps provide a better meeting experience, with a hi-quality, cost-effective solution for mobile, desktop and video rooms.  All working together.

You get:

Simple and smart meetings

  • benefits of cost savings from using just one meetings solution and on-net calls
  • a simpler and better user experience to help change behaviour
  • increased productivity by making it simpler and easier to get stuff done.

From every meeting space

  • sweat the investments you’ve already made and drive a ROI of your video estate
  • supported workforce using video with none of the management headache
  • more productive meetings, quicker decision making and less travel and disruption.

New opportunities

  • by connecting with contacts outside your organisation quickly and easily, giving them the best collaboration options.
  • collaborating with external contacts over video with a range of easy to use, secure controls and features
  • through quality meetings while minimising costs by keeping calls on-net, if you have a BT network.

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One Collaborate video offers you:

  • a single, consistent user interface, so you simply use whatever video-enabled device or software you have available to connect easily to your conference
  • video bridging which protects your legacy investments by bridging the different technologies you've acquired or bought over time
  • connections carried over our high-bandwidth global network, so you can enjoy High Definition video with no drops or lags
  • no infrastructure to buy or manage and no maintenance contract. We’ll install the equipment and integrate it with your systems, and also provide on-boarding for your teams, as well as on-going support and maintenance.

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One user adoption solution makes sure your employees embrace your collaboration solutions. With our proven methodology we’ve helped organisations achieve up to 80 per cent user adoption levels within four months.

Through awareness, coaching and education, we show how collaboration will dramatically improve your staff's working lives.

Recognising your environment, audience and what you want the technology to deliver, we work with you to build and execute your tailored plan.

It can be tough to change the systems and habits your employees use to get their jobs done, but with the right communications, information, training and support, it can happen quickly and seamlessly.

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Productos destacados

  • Private Compute - lets you build private cloud services from proven modular templates, so you can use designs that integrate with your existing systems. We can manage your private cloud in one of our shared facilities, set aside exclusively for you.
  • Private Compute on-premises - delivered and installed to a data centre location of your choice, we provide cloud-ready equipment dedicated just for your organisation.
  • Private Compute orchestrate - accelerates your journey to a private or hybrid cloud. By re-using your infrastructure, you can leverage existing investments. Our service cloud-lets you build and manage your own cloud solution in minutes.

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Our Compute Hybrid Managed Services remove the headache of globally managing different public and private clouds across your business using a consistent set of services.

Delivered through our global service organisation, you can wrap the following infrastructure:

  • traditional management of private and public cloud platforms
  • infrastructure applications
  • data
  • security
  • network.

You can leverage our skills, global scale and capabilities and use our Compute Management System as a single portal to get consistent control and governance of your IT services. You can also seamlessly migrate and manage workloads using our professional services transformation tools.

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Productos destacados

Webex Meetings is a single solution that makes it simple and easy for all your users to join meetings globally, from any location, on any device.

It helps provide a better meeting experience, with a hi-quality, cost-effective solution for mobile, desktop and video rooms.  All working together.

You get:

Simple and smart meetings

  • benefits of cost savings from using just one meetings solution and on-net calls
  • a simpler and better user experience to help change behaviour
  • increased productivity by making it simpler and easier to get stuff done.

From every meeting space

  • sweat the investments you’ve already made and drive a ROI of your video estate
  • supported workforce using video with none of the management headache
  • more productive meetings, quicker decision making and less travel and disruption.

New opportunities

  • by connecting with contacts outside your organisation quickly and easily, giving them the best collaboration options.
  • collaborating with external contacts over video with a range of easy to use, secure controls and features
  • through quality meetings while minimising costs by keeping calls on-net, if you have a BT network.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

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One Collaborate video offers you:

  • a single, consistent user interface, so you simply use whatever video-enabled device or software you have available to connect easily to your conference
  • video bridging which protects your legacy investments by bridging the different technologies you've acquired or bought over time
  • connections carried over our high-bandwidth global network, so you can enjoy High Definition video with no drops or lags
  • no infrastructure to buy or manage and no maintenance contract. We’ll install the equipment and integrate it with your systems, and also provide on-boarding for your teams, as well as on-going support and maintenance.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

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One user adoption solution makes sure your employees embrace your collaboration solutions. With our proven methodology we’ve helped organisations achieve up to 80 per cent user adoption levels within four months.

Through awareness, coaching and education, we show how collaboration will dramatically improve your staff's working lives.

Recognising your environment, audience and what you want the technology to deliver, we work with you to build and execute your tailored plan.

It can be tough to change the systems and habits your employees use to get their jobs done, but with the right communications, information, training and support, it can happen quickly and seamlessly.

Want to know more?

Get in contact with one of our experts to discuss your needs

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